
Fluidbase Lightening Gel SPF10 30ml


Fluidbase® Treatment of skin pigmentations, 30ml


Highly effective results in the treatment of hyperpigmentation. Arbutin, the principal active ingredient of Fluidbase Lightening Gel, is found in cyclodextrins, which allows for not only a moisturising action but also controlled release and hence an increase in the activity of arbutin. Completing the formula is a Vitamin A, C and E complex and a moisturising agent that activates the production of collagen.



Product Type

Skin Care


30 ML

In stock

Highly effective results in the treatment of hyperpigmentation. Arbutin, the principal active ingredient of Fluidbase Lightening Gel, is found in cyclodextrins, which allows for not only a moisturising action but also controlled release and hence an increase in the activity of arbutin. Completing the formula is a Vitamin A, C and E complex and a moisturising agent that activates the production of collagen.


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Apply Fluidbase Lightening Gel after cleaning the skin and before applying any antiaging treatment. It is important to apply the gel on the pigmented area only.

Without sun exposure.


Contains 3 lightning mechanisms that easily penetrate thanks to the effect of Peelmoist®, an innovative plant extract-based ingredient with exfoliant properties.

Cyclodextrinated arbutin, Chromabright®, glucosylated Vitamin C and 3 sun filters guaranteeing sun protection.

:تعليمات الاستخدام؛

ضعي جل التفتيح فلويد بيز بعد تنظيف البشرة وقبل وضع أي مستحضر علاجي مضاد للشيخوخة. ومن المهم وضع الجل على المنطقة المتصبغة فقط.

يرجى عدم التعرض لأشعة الشمس.


مستحضر يحتوي على 3 آليات للتفتيح تخترق البشرة بسهولة بفضل تأثير بيل مويست® الذي يُعَد مكونًا مبتكرًا مستخلصًا من نباتات ذات خصائص مقشرة للبشرة.

كما يحتوي على مركب كرومابرايت الغني بمادة أربوتين حلقية الدكسترين وفيتامين C بالجلوكوز و3 فلاتر لضمان الحماية من أشعة الشمس.


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